

What is 'Experiences'?

Imagine, if at will, you could rejuvenate yourselves & restore confidence in times of stress, sadness, failure, restlessness, and those sleepless nights.

Well, you don’t need to imagine any more. ‘Experiences’ is an app for your iPad that feeds your senses a unique blend of videos interwoven with beautiful music & classic quotations that take you away from the stress & tension of this world.

So, how does it work?

In life, it's really the little things that matter. These are life's simple pleasures that are commonly overlooked. And possibly everyday sources of happiness can be found within them. Walking down a beach, spending an afternoon in front of a warm cozy fireplace, watching the rain; all these moments make us feel at peace. These little things are the source of pure bliss and joy. This is where true happiness lies.

“Experiences” brings all these moments directly to you. Just after you launch the app, you will be presented with two choices:

- You can select from one of the default presets, or - You can also customize an experience according to your specific needs.

Default presets

Some of the default presets from which you can pick from are:

- I'm having a down day today. I want to feel cheerful. - I had a stressful day. I want to feel relaxed. - I keep falling off track. I want to stick to my goals. - I want to explore the deeper meaning of life. - and more...

Based on your current mood, you can accordingly pick a experience preset.

Customize your own experience

It is your life. Make it magical.

If you do not choose a preset, there are a total of 15 high quality videos available for you to select from.

You can pick from a wide range of beautiful audio tracks to play alongside the video clip. In addition to this, you can select quotes & citations by some great personalities to appear while the video is playing.

How can I get it?

Available on the App Store ‘Experiences’ is available worldwide on the Apple App Store. You can check it out here:



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